This year's stories- click the link 

                                        Day 1   Renewed

                                    Day 2 What has been Happening

                                    Day 3 Church Partnership

                                    Day 4 Young Adults

                                    Day 5 COVID springs us forward

                                    Day 6 Quotes from kids and adults

“Sitka Young Life has impacted my life a ton and I’ve grown a lot spiritually and individually as a person…...  Going to Young Life is the best decision I’ve ever made. It is so crazy and fun. I always laugh like crazy. Everyone feels welcome and loved no matter what. The Young Life leaders have impacted my life because they have always been by my side whenever I needed someone to talk with.  I thank God every day for letting those kind genuine people into my life to laugh, play games, talk, and cry with.”  

Being involved in Sitka YL and spending time with YL leaders helped me learn more about faith and brought me closer to my friends!”

“Being involved in Sitka YL and spending time with YL leaders helped me learn more about faith and brought me closer to my friends!”

The campaigners group was great and... It made me feel connected to God, and it motivated me to want to be with Him.”

During my sophomore year, I was feeling very homesick and I was thinking about going home. But I heard about Sitka Young Life, so I decided to try it out. And when I went, I found a community of people I could trust and depend on. They became close friends and drew me closer to God. I am so thankful I found Young Life, or else I wouldn't still be at Mt. Edgecumbe had it not been for them.”

Quotes from Parents: 

"I believe young life has given my daughter more confidence and helped her become more outgoing and independent. She's also built a really strong relationship with God that she holds closely to her heart."

"Young life has made my kids believe in prayer to God. They learn to be patient and ask for help through prayer. They have learned to open up and talk about their needs and how to deal with problems."

Quotes from Church Partners

Young Life has been a presence in this community for decades and its impact is seen not only in the children of today but the parents of yesterday. I am grateful for the opportunity to partner with them in the hopes of influencing the youth and parents of tomorrow for Christ.” Past Scott

"YL is a safe place for connection and collaboration - not just for kids but for youth leaders from different denominations. I am not just to helping youth grow in the faith - I grow as well!"  Pastor Jojo

A final thank you for hearing our story and being a part of the team. This one comes from a student writing to donors after camp.

"My week at Young Life’s Malibu Club with Sitka Young Life was a life-changing experience. Being here I was able to fully receive God into my heart and He has shown me that I can fall freely into his arms. What was most meaningful to me was that I was able to find myself during this week. I want to thank you for all your support. Your support has not only changed my life but has helped hundreds of kids' lives as well I pray that you know that you are greatly appreciated. God bless

Thank you for joining us and hearing our story. Thanks for being a part of the team and supporting Sitka young Life.

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